Guest Room Entertainment
Thousands of guests each day enter a Marriott property, settle in and open their lap tops. Marriott has the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of property attractions through an internet landing page that invites guests to explore.
Introducing the guest to Marriott
When a guest enters his or her hotel room, one of their most basic priorities is to connect to wifi. However this simple task provides Marriott with the opportunity to showcase all that the brand and property has to offer. This website, proof of concept, was one iteration in a series of work designed to capture the guest's attention on the hotel landing page.
Updating and personalizing the experience
With a low level of engagement and limited functionality, the current design is merely a conduit for the guest to move on to other areas of interest online. I created a more personalized experience for the guest, by imbedding property specific content and advertising space that creates more visual appeal.
Highlighting what matters most
Given there's a brief period where the guest is a captive audience on the landing page, appealing to their needs and interest on property and in the local area is key. Working within the constraints of existing design guidelines, I worked to highlight main attractions and display comprehensive information at glance.
Aligning the brand across platforms
In keeping with the new brand style that was first established within the Marriott Mobile app, the redesign incorporated key elements that align across platforms.
First class service to the guest
Once the guest is on property, the priority is to enhance their stay. This is achieved by creating a memorable experience that turns them into a repeat, loyal customer. Sharing information that ranges from what's available in the moment, to the logistics that take a the hassle out of an excursion, works to help fulfill the guests unanticipated needs.